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Virtual Care

Monitoring patient symptoms and changes through virtual check-ins anytime and anywhere

How it Works:

  • Patients connect or check-in remotely with their healthcare providers through virtual care programs in between their in-person clinic visits.
  • The solutions engage patients and provide an up-to-date, relevant, and more complete view of a patient's condition to their doctor or care team.

Problem it Solves:

  • Patients with complex conditions require more comprehensive care. But medical centers like UCSF face challenges including a lack of continuous monitoring, limited specialists, and difficulty finding the right physician.
  • Check-ins during "out-of-office" times are necessary to address any early indications of issues. In-person visits also require time and travel for patients.


  • Allows for earlier detection of complications otherwise not caught in time by a time-based, in-person follow-up.
  • Reduces geographic barriers.
  • Improves patient, provider, and staff experience.