Policy Letters

Policy letter to CMS on their Request for Information on Integrating Patient-Generated Health Data into Electronic Health Records



Patient-generated health data and patient-reported outcomes are cornerstones of the data that providers and patients alike need for patient-centered care and shared care planning. We applaud CMS for moving forward to integrate patient-generated health data and patient-reported outcomes into the nation’s digital health ecosystem as soon as possible, whether as part of CMS’s forthcoming final rule on interoperability and patient access, or as part of this physician fee schedule, or both. We recommend that CMS focus on widespread integration of patient-generated health data as Congress envisioned in the 21st Century Cures Act, not just a few use cases or incremental pilots or experiments.

UCSF+CDHI+Comment+Letter+to+CMS+on+Patient-Generated+Health+Data+RFI+(9-27-2019).pdf public://2023-05/UCSF+CDHI+Comment+Letter+to+CMS+on+Patient-Generated+Health+Data+RFI+(9-27-2019).pdf public://2023-05/UCSF+CDHI+Comment+Letter+to+CMS+on+Patient-Generated+Health+Data+RFI+(9-27-2019).pdf