
Managing Triage and Scheduling in the Wake of COVID-19


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When the pandemic hit last year, shelter-in-place orders across the nation meant business closures and working remotely, but for essential healthcare organizations like the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) it was a different story. Frontline staff were overworked and there was an influx of patients concerned about potential COVID-19 symptoms. 

To help reduce the burden on frontline staff and the UCSF COVID-19 hotline, and to manage and triage scheduling patients, a collaborative team developed and rolled out a symptom checker that patients could access from their MyChart patient portal. And they were able to do so within a week. 

In a world where digital tools can sometimes take weeks and months to develop, reiterate, and implement, how did a team – composed of staff from the Clinical Innovation Center, Center for Digital Health Innovation (CDHI), Digital Patient Experience, and Office of Population Health – deliver so quickly? 

We learn how from Associate Director of Clinical Innovation for the Department of Medicine, Tim Judson, MD, MPH, in his presentation* COVID-19 Symptom Checker: MyChart Self-Triage & Self-Scheduling Tool for the 2021 UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium. 

Since its initial implementation, the COVID-19 Symptom Checker has continually evolved, improved, and grown in usage. Some key highlights from Dr. Judson’s presentation include: 

  • The impact has been significant 

  • Decreased time from triage to scheduled appointment 

  • More than 30,000 patients have used the tool  

  • Available in Spanish in English 

  • Several lessons were learned: 

  • Importance of integration 

  • The Symptom Checker is for triage and not a diagnostic tool 

  • It is possible to have appropriate use for digital tools 

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Watch the Presentation

*COVID-19 Symptom Checker Team: Tim Judson, MD, MPH; Chris Miller; Aimee Williams, MPH; Ralph Gonzales, MD, MSPH 

Image Source: GruppoPiù/Unsplash