
Dual Pipeline Architecture Enables Controlled Technology Deployment


New software releases and operational go-lives both are subject to risk, but when the two events coincide, those risks can be magnified.

Patient Connect: Refs & Docs definition

The CDHI Patient Connect – Refs & Docs team developed a novel dual pipeline architecture to mitigate these risks from their upcoming release of Refs & Docs. This RefAuto v1.3 upgrade automates the processing of faxes sent to UCSF by using artificial intelligence to extract and classify relevant information.

In early September, the Patient Connect - Refs & Docs Team deployed a “dual pipeline” in preparation for a late October release to the UCSF Health Pediatric Access Center (PAC). Described by Principal Engineer Fel Bautista as a dynamic light switch, the dual pipeline supports the processing of incoming faxes by either, or both methods: the new Refs & Docs 2.0 (which uses an artificial intelligence (AI) engine) and the current RefAuto 1.3 (which uses an optical character recognition (OCR) engine). This approach confers multiple benefits.

Benefits of a Dual Pipeline Approach

  • The AI team can compare the text extraction results of the AI algorithm with the old OCR-based tool and establish metric thresholds.

  • With the dual pipeline deployment, the product delivery team is able to test connectivity and configurations, so risks are minimized or eliminated during the first go-live of the Refs & Docs application (targeted for late October 2022).

  • Post Go-Live – as the beta users of the AI-backed workflow, PAC staff will be able to choose the new Refs & Docs v2.0 to process incoming files or if needed, easily switch over to RefAuto v1.3 – which remains unchanged. The PAC team can incrementally train on and adopt the new software, and support agile software delivery (the product delivery team can quickly address issues before a broader release).

  • Incoming files for new clinics can be routed into the AI algorithm to ensure quality and to demonstrate value before user training or go-live.

The Refs & Docs team is targeting April 2023 to fully transition from the RefAuto v1.3 OCR-based platform to the new Refs & Docs v2.0 AI-based system. The dual pipeline architecture will be leveraged in future software product releases to reduce risk and improve agility.

For more information on the dual pipeline deployment, contact Principal Engineer Fel Bautista or Product Manager Prerna Anand.