Policy Letters

Policy Letter to Don Rucker on ONC’s Compliance on Interoperability, Patient Access, and Information Blocking



UCSF’s Center for Digital Health Innovation comments on ONC’s interim final rule, which further delays the deadlines for EHR developers and health care providers to comply with key requirements on interoperability, information blocking, application programming interfaces (APIs), patient and provider access to structured health data, and app innovation. While the interim final rule explains that the delays “enable our health care system to focus on addressing the COVID-19 PHE,” we explain that providers and developers instead need these advances and requirements now to provide health care during the pandemic.

UCSF+CDHI+to+ONC+on+IFR+revising+deadlines+(12-22-2020).pdf public://2023-05/UCSF+CDHI+to+ONC+on+IFR+revising+deadlines+(12-22-2020).pdf public://2023-05/UCSF+CDHI+to+ONC+on+IFR+revising+deadlines+(12-22-2020).pdf